
How To Make Your Own Fashion Blog

Who else wants to know how to start a fashion blog and make it successful? If you are looking for ways to launch your successful fashion blog from scratch, this tutorial is exclusively for you.

I'm not only going to show how to launch a fashion blog, but I'll share a few incredible ideas with you on how to make it profitable. Are you ready? Let's get into the details.

Why should you start a fashion blog?

There are so many great reasons to start a fashion blog.

If you are already working in the fashion domain and passionate about the latest fashion trends, design, and style, then starting a blog is a great way where you share your personal style, trends from established designers and promote yourself to create a brand online.

Blogging is one of the most effective ways to make income. If you are good at promoting or creating related fashion products, you can make a lot of passive income from your blogs.

Above all, starting fashion blogging helps you connect with awesome people in the fashion industry as well as hones your marketing skills.

Quick note: Check out our in-depth how to start a blog in 2021 tutorial if you want to discover a few proven ways to start a successful blog and make $10K/mo from it.

Table of Contents

  • How to start a fashion blog that makes money: Step by step
    • 1. Getting a domain name
    • 2. Choosing the best web hosting to host your fashion blog
    • 3. Other essential things to do after launching a fashion blog
    • 4. Creating a list of top fashion blogs to outreach
    • 5. Generating revenue from your fashion blogs
    • Top 5 Ways to Make Money from Fashion Blogs in 2021
    • 5 Mistakes to Avoid Before Starting A Fashion Blog
  • Top 10 Fashion Blogs to Follow in 2021
  • FAQs
  • Final Thoughts

How to start a fashion blog that makes money: Step by step

how to start a fashion blog

1. Getting a domain name

Getting a domain name

Launching your fashion blog begins with securing a domain name. If you want to build a professional website, you need to pick a memorable domain name that ends with .com extension.

You can use domain name suggestion tools such as Domainr, GoDaddy, etc. to quickly find out whether a domain name is available or not.

The great thing about launching a fashion blog while naming it is, you can even use your name as your blog domain name. It helps you increase your online branding and promote yourself even better.

2. Choosing the best web hosting to host your fashion blog

Choosing the best web hosting

I can't stress enough about the importance of having a reliable web hosting service. Most beginners either use a cheap hosting or free hosting service to launch their blogs on WordPress. But I strongly recommend you to get a reliable, faster, and safer web host for your blog if you are serious about making income from it.

If you are searching for a reliable host at an affordable price, I highly recommend you to try Bluehost. I've been using their service for the last five years, and I never encountered any hosting-related issue with them.

Millions of domain owners trust BlueHost, and they also give you a free domain name registration for one year, which means you just have to pay for their hosting. Here are their pricing packages.

Tenure Monthly price

36 Months                      $2.95

24 Months                      $3.95

12 Months                      $4.95

Bluehost features include the following:

  • Anytime Money Back Guarantee. So no risk involved from your end
  • Free One Click WordPress Installer
  • Unlimited Disk Space and bandwidth
  • Unlimited Email Accounts
  • You can host up to 100 WordPress blogs from the same Hosting account
  • Award-Winning Support Staff who understand customer needs very well
  • $100 free Google Adwords Credit
  • cPanel
  • 99.9% uptime guarantee

Click This Link to Start Your blog for $2.95/month only with Bluehost (Plus Free domain for Life) .

Here's a simple tutorial on how you can use Bluehost to install WordPress within 5 minutes.

Step 1: Use this special link to install a WordPress blog on Bluehost hosting to get started with your blog.

Once you click on the above link, you will be taken to Bluehost hosting home page where you need to click on the "Get Started Now" button to continue. The hosting will be just $2.95 per month instead of $3.95 per month

Here's how it looks like;

bluehost offer

Step 2: Enter the domain name

Bluehost offers a free domain for one year, so enter any domain name that you want. If you've already registered a domain from elsewhere, you can enter that too.

Step 3: Enter your account information and click "next."

Select any package. Please pick your account plan, and here are the Bluehost discounted pricing details for you.

Here's the discounted price if you buy from this special link

  • 36 Months $2.95
  • 24 Months $3.95
  • 12 Months $4.95

Make sure to finish off the remaining steps, like choosing a password and making the payment. Once you logged into the Bluehost control panel, install WordPress.

P.S: If you want to read a detailed unbiased review of Bluehost before choosing it, please click this link. Also, if you want to find out the the comparison of the top 3 hosting service, please read the following detailed article.

Suggested Reading: How to Start a Blog Under 10 Minutes in 2021

Must have plugins and tools for starting a blog

SEMrush: If you want to spy on your competitor's best-performing keywords and estimate their website traffic, SEMrush is for you. This tool is recommended by top SEO experts and bloggers. This can also be used to find the top keywords that are related to the fashion industry to increase the traffic to your blogs from search engines.

Click here to use SEMrush Pro version free for the next 30 days worth $99.95.

WP SEO by Yoast: This is one of the highly used WordPress plugins, which is free. If you want to optimize your blog posts for search engines, install this plugin as soon as your blog goes live. Even if you are a beginner to SEO, you will find it easy to optimize your web pages for search engines.

W3 Total Cache: You need fast loading web pages to create a successful blog from scratch. You should not irritate both readers and search engine crawlers with your site loading time. Here's where a cache plugin helps. Fortunately, W3 total cache is a free and widely used plugin for WordPress sites.

Here are a few more essential plugins for fashion blogs.

  • Events Calendar
  • iMax Width
  • Article Templates
  • Shortcut Macros
  • WP Polls

3. Other essential things to do after launching a fashion blog

essential things to do after launching a fashion blog

Once you have installed WordPress on your fashion blogs, here are a few must-have things to do after starting it.

Getting a professional look for your fashion blog

Whether you agree to it or not, blog design is the king. Web design is what makes or breaks a blog's success. If you don't focus on getting a clean, simple, and professional-looking blog design, you will suffer later.

Make sure to get a search engine friendly design; I highly recommend Elegant themes or Genesis as they are not only used and recommended by thousands of bloggers, but they are also perfectly optimized for search engines. They are also mobile responsive, so you don't have to install any additional plugins or tools to make your site mobile friendly.

Suggested Reading: Elegant Themes Review: How to Make Your WordPress Site Look Stunning

Here's the overview of Elegant themes.

elegantthemes view

And get a great looking logo for your site that leaves an immediate impact on your blog audience. Try to include your blog's tagline that matches with your overall blog's appeal and vision.

Setting up social media profiles

Immediately after setting up your fashion blog, you should set up social media links on all the major sites, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and, more importantly, Pinterest.

Try to get the same profile name that is similar to your blog's domain name. That way, you will be able to get more visibility and links from the search engines to your domain.

And always make sure to publish your latest posts to these social media profiles immediately after publishing them on your sites.

Discovering the best places to create top-notch contents

Don't just create blog posts that don't add any value to your audience. First, define who you are targeting. And then find the most popular topics in the fashion industry to create top-notch contents.

If you create content that gets more likes, shares, and links, you will get a lot of traffic from search engines, and you should be able to monetize your blogging efforts quickly.

You can find better topic ideas for your fashion blogs by browsing sites like Buzzsumo, Topsy, etc. Just enter any of the keywords you want to target and find all the top posts that get more likes and shares.

Create even better content around it to attract more attention from your industry. It is known as 'Skyscraper Technique,' which is explained in detail here.

4. Creating a list of top fashion blogs to outreach

list of top fashion blogs to outreach

You need to network with other bloggers if you want to promote well your blog related products. Without promoting and getting to know about other bloggers in your fashion industry, you will rarely succeed.

So make sure to create a list of all the influential bloggers in your industry and follow them on social media sites to frequently get in touch with them.

If possible, attend their live seminars or webinars to get in touch with them personally. Then slowly and steady hone your relationships with them, frequently contact them through emails.

And frequently link out to their posts from your blogs and let them know about it through emails when you post something beneficial for your blog audience, email outreach to all the bloggers who are in your contact list, and ask them for a tweet or link.

They will link or share if they really like your stuff. So blogger outreach is the key to get more exposure for your blog posts. Don't miss out this thing if you want to build a fashion blog successfully from scratch.

5. Generating revenue from your fashion blogs

Generating revenue from your fashion blogs

The final part about creating a successful blog from scratch is to make money from it finally. Remember, making money from a blog is not hard if you are consistently working hard towards creating excellent content and promoting the right products to your audience.

I strongly suggest you find and create a list of all the products you want to promote through your blog before you even launch it. That will give you a clear idea about what to write and how to promote the right products relating to the fashion industry to increase your website sales.

Here are a few tips to make money from fashion blogs:

  • Once you set up your blog and started getting readers, you can launch a podcast or video series to acquire more buyers who are interested in buying products from you.
  • You can try selling eBooks related to fashion blogging or become a fashion industry consultant to make money out of your blogging efforts.
  • You can find and use the best performing affiliate programs to make passive income from your blogs. First off, make a list of all the affiliate products your competitors are promoting, then choose the best products to promote from your blog.

Suggested Reading: How Much Money Do Top Bloggers Make

Top 5 Ways to Make Money from Fashion Blogs in 2021

Are you finding interesting? Let's find out some ways to make money. Most fashion bloggers use the following five strategies to make money from their fashion blogs, and almost each one of them are worth giving a try in 2021.

1. Selling affiliate products

One of the best ways to earn passive income from blogging is affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing is a performance-based monetization strategy, which means you only get paid when your promotional efforts result in a sale. To put it simply, whenever someone buys an affiliate product using your affiliate referral link, you earn a commission.

The good news is that affiliate marketing is growing rapidly. Here are a few stats about affiliate marketing.

affiliate stats

As you can see from the above chart, affiliate marketing has a HUGE potential, which can help you earn a ton of money online no matter what niche you are.

We've created an in-depth guide on how to set up an affiliate site that makes money, but if you're looking for some quick affiliate marketing tips you can use to make more dollars from your fashion blog, here are few tips for you.

  • Define your target audience. Find out their gender, geographical location, age, and all the other details like yearly income, expenses, etc. The more you know about your target audience, the easier it becomes for you to find and promote the right affiliate programs to them.
  • Make sure to use the right tools such as Thirsty Affiliates, which is a popular affiliate marketing plugin to cloak your affiliate links. It helps you to easily optimize your affiliate links and track all the clicks that you get for each link you create. Another great tool is 'Author hReview' plugin, which helps you get rich snippets along with star ratings and works as the schema for your affiliate products.
  • Last but not least, be genuine. Try to promote only those products which help your audience. Don't promote products just because they pay you more commissions. Make sure to find those products which give you a recurring commission every month.

2. Collaborations, sponsorships, paid reviews

Fashion bloggers mainly collaborate with other brands to make money. It can also be paid sponsorships, promoting other fashion brands or lifestyle products where they promote brands in exchange for money. Brands get loyal customers and better visibility online, whereas fashion bloggers make money. So it's a win/win approach.

3. Selling own products

If you're generating a ton of visitors to your site and have a massive email list or followers on social media, you can sell your products. Branding is the key here. Your products should be relevant to your target audience and make sure to set the right price if you want to turn your website visitors into customers.

4. Using display advertising networks

This is one of the common ways to make money from fashion blogs as you can use a ton of display ads such as;

  • Adsense
  • Or even banner ads

The key to making more money from display ad networks is that you need to attract massive search engine traffic so you can generate decent income every month. But it's going to hurt your readership in the long run, so consider better alternatives if you're running a fashion blog.

5. Consulting, private mentorships, 1:1 coaching, etc

Another common monetization strategy most fashion bloggers use to make money from their blogs is offering consulting services.

It can be done in a variety of ways including;

  • Consulting
  • One on one coaching sessions
  • Private mentorships and so on

If you're going for consulting kind of services, make sure to build and improve your personal brand as a fashion blogger. Make sure to conduct seminars and webinars to improve your personal branding so you can attract high paying customers in the long run.

5 Mistakes to Avoid Before Starting A Fashion Blog

Starting a blog is easy, but making it profitable is not. When you're just starting, you tend to make a ton of mistakes, which might cost you a lot in the long run.

Make sure to avoid the following most common yet costliest mistakes while launching your fashion blog in 2021 and beyond.

1. Not focusing on SEO

If you're running a fashion blog, make sure to focus on SEO. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is what determines your overall search rankings and traffic. Ignoring SEO altogether can harmful in the long run as it's one of the most converting channels to generate more traffic, leads, and sales.

Here are a few quick tips which can help you improve your fashion blog's SEO in 2021:

  • Find keywords that have low search volume: If you want to increase your traffic from search engines like Google, you need first to perform keyword research so you can use relevant keywords in every blog post you publish. Here's a comprehensive guide on keyword research that can help you find low competition yet high converting keywords.
  • Learn proper on page optimization: On page SEO refers to all the things that you do at your website level to increase the visibility of your site in search engines. It includes inserting your primary keywords in titles, meta description, image alt tags, subheadings, URL, etc.
  • Build backlinks: SEO mostly involves in building quality backlinks. You simply can't get first page rankings without getting links to your pages, so make sure to find ways to build links. You can use tactics like guest posting, blogger outreach, broken link building, etc to start building links. You can go through these off page techniques to generate more organic visibility to your fashion websites.
  • Use proper SEO tools: It takes money to make money online. If you want to get better results quickly, we highly recommend you to invest money in getting the right SEO tools such as SEMrush, Yoast SEO pro, etc. These tools will make it easier for you to find keywords, perform competitive analysis, do proper 'on-page optimization,' and so on.

2. Not having a monetization strategy

One of the biggest mistakes any blogger can make, including fashion bloggers, is that they blog without having a monetization strategy. If you want to make money from blogging, you need a plan which you can use in the long run. Otherwise, you can't survive.

That being said, find out ways to create a blog sales funnel.

  • Build an email list and grow your presence on social media. Create a Facebook group and engage with others so you can improve your online presence.
  • Make sure to focus on offering high-value stuff to your audience upfront so you can offer small priced products later.
  • Once you start making sales, you can offer high-end products (or your products), which help you make even more sales.

Here's how a sales funnel looks like;

general sales funnel

Above all, make sure to find out the RIGHT strategy (be it affiliate marketing or selling your courses) before you even start your fashion blog. Analyze your competitor websites to come up with ideas to monetize your site the right way.

3. Not creating an editorial calendar

Consistency is the key.

If you want to build an active audience around your fashion blog, make sure to post content regularly. The key is to realize how long it'll take you to do a post and figure out your daily planning based on that so you can create a useful editorial calendar.

It's a lot easier and better to post twice a week with high-quality content rather than posting every day with mediocre content. One high-quality post is a lot better than ten thin contents.

If you're using WordPress, you can install Editorial calendar plugin, which gives you an overview of your blog and when each post will be published. You can drag and drop to move posts, edit posts right in the calendar, and manage your entire fashion blog.

4. Not networking with others

The fashion industry is full of bloggers, fashion enthusiasts, celebrities, and the list go on. The best way to create a profitable blog from scratch is to expand and build your Network. The key here is to spend more time promoting and networking with others than spending more time on your blog.

5. Not nichifying your blog

Don't cover too many topics on your blog. You should never compete with authority sites no matter what industry you are. It's always better to nichify your topics and start creating content around one particular topic at a time. That's the fastest way to build and grow a loyal audience around your fashion blog.

Top 10 Fashion Blogs to Follow in 2021

Did you know that the fashion industry is a billion-dollar industry? Fashion industry worldwide revenue expected to rise from $481 billion in 2018 to $712 billion by 2022 (according to Shopify report).

Fashion industry worldwide trend

So yes, this is the RIGHT time to start a fashion blog, and if you're looking for inspiration before you launch a fashion blog, this section is for you. Here are the top 10 fashion blogs that are going to inspire you in 2021.

1. Sincerely Jules: 'Sincerely Jules' is one of the top lifestyle and fashion blogs to follow in 2021. It is run by Julie SariƱana, who is a top international fashion and lifestyle influencers and founded in 2009.

2. The Budget Fashionista: This blog was launched in 2003 by Kathryn Finney and took over by Catherine Brock in 2014, where you can find a ton of fashion and lifestyle-related stuff by spending less. It's also featured in top publications like the TODAY Show, Good Morning America, CNN, CNBC, E!/Style Network, and so on.

3. The Sartorialist: This is another famous fashion blog that is founded in 2005 by Scott Schuman. If you're looking for the best outfits, Fashion, style, etc. this fashion blog is a must-read for you. It has also been featured in GQ, Vogue Italia, Vogue Paris, and Interview.

4. Man Repeller: If you're looking for smart ideas and fashion tips, this blog is worth following. Leandra launched it in 2010, and 'Man Repeller' has also received "Shorty Award for Best" in Fashion.

5. Akanksha Redhu: Akanksha Redhu is a top Indian fashion blog run by Akanksha where she usually blogs about travel, Fashion, lifestyle, beauty, health, and fitness. It was launched in 2010, and you can also find a ton of personally curated compilation of fashion products in her website's Shop section.

6. Fashion Jackson: If you're looking for fashion, beauty, and travel-related tips along with holiday shopping hacks, this fashion blog is a must-read for you. San Diego fashion blogger Amy Jackson runs it, and her blog has been featured in WhoWhatWear, Elle, StyleCaster, etc.

7. Hello Fashion: Christine Andrew runs this amazing fashion blog, which was launched way back in 2011. It was first started just to share her fashion updates and now has grown into a big fashion blog that covers travel to Fashion, beauty, and home decor.

8. Cupcakes and Cashmere: This is not only a fashion blog, but you can find a wide range of topics, including food, DIY, beauty, motherhood, and so on. So if you're looking for an all in one fashion and lifestyle blog, you should check out this blog run by Emily Schuman.

9. Who What Wear: 'Who What Wear' is where you can get the latest fashion and celebrity trends, and it's also one of the top UK fashion blogs. Katherine Power and Hillary Kerr founded 'Who What Wear' in 2006, and you can find a ton of styles and trends around the latest Fashion.

10. He Spoke Style: If you're looking for men's style, fashion and grooming related stuff, this fashion and lifestyle blog is exclusively for you. It was launched in 2013 by Brian Sacawa.

Browse More Resources About Starting a Blog:

  • How to Start a Blog in 2021 [Step by Step Process]
  • How to Build a Successful Food Blog and Earn Money from it
  • How to Launch a Soccer a Blog and Make Money from it
  • How to Create a a Free Blog on and Earn Money from it
  • List of free blogging sites to create blogs really quickly in 2021


How do I increase traffic and visitors to my fashion blog?

Best traffic source can be SEO as it sends you long-lasting and highly qualified visitors to your site. Here are a few more ways you can use to generate visitors to your fashion blogs in 2021.

→ Use appealing and unique images so you can submit them on image sharing sites such as Pinterest, Instagram, and so on, and image sharing sites can help you with SEO, gaining more exposure, build your brand, get more traffic, etc.
→ Promote on social media as fashion blog posts mostly go viral on sites like Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, etc. If possible, create a YouTube channel where you can increase your brand and promote your Fashion related content.
→ Build an email list from day one as it can give you long-lasting results, and the email list also produces the highest ROI where it gives you $40 returns for every $1 you spend.

How to make money from a fashion blog?

There are a ton of ways to make money from fashion blogs, but the following are widely used by most fashion bloggers to generate income from their blogs.

→ Sponsorships
→ Writing product reviews of fashion products
→ Collaborations with brands
→ Selling fashion-related affiliate products
→ Selling their courses or products such as eBooks, videos, etc
→ Using AdSense kind of display ads
→ Offering services and the list goes on

What are the best fashion blogs to follow in 2021?

We've compiled a massive list of best Indian fashion blogs to follow where you can find a ton of fashion enthusiasts and celebrity fashion bloggers from India. Here are a few more fashion blogs that are famous worldwide.

→ The Blonde Salad
→ Man Repeller
→ Gabi Fresh
→ Tuula Vintage
→ and the list goes on

How do I start a fashion blog?

Here are five simple steps to start a fashion blog.

→ Choose the best blogging platform (prefer WordPress)
→ Select your domain name and get a hosting provider (hosting sites like Bluehost offers affordable hosting along with a free domain)
→ Install WordPress on hosting
→ Once installed, your blog is ready where you can find the perfect theme to make it appealing
→ Start creating great content to attract more traffic and money!

How to promote your fashion blog?

Here are the top 3 ways to promote your fashion blog.

→ Be active on social media.
→ Start writing guest posts.
→ Start leaving thoughtful comments on other fashion blogs.

Final Thoughts

Anyone can start a fashion blog; the real success lies in making it profitable. You cannot launch a successful fashion blog without targeting the right audience.

Get to know who you are targeting and get a professional domain name, hosting, and design for your blog.

The first impression is the last impression online. So make sure you impress your blog audience with great content and design. Also, network with other bloggers in the fashion industry to promote your blog well.

Make sure to find out all the monetization methods to make money from your blogging efforts. Making money from fashion blogs is not hard if you know how to promote the right products to your blog readers.

Let me know if you have any questions related to fashion blogging. I'd be glad to answer your queries.

How To Make Your Own Fashion Blog


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