It's very important that yous pretend I am Kate McKinnon for 1 quick moment as I inform you: Alive, from Facebook… it's a streaming video!

Facebook Live video broadcasts launched in 2016, simply with and then much of life going remote in 2020, the medium has never been more popular.

Daily sentinel time for Facebook Live broadcasts is four times higher than last year. One in 5 videos on the platform are at present Live. (And yet no i is watching my Kate McKinnon impression videos? Hmm. Weird.)

Conferences, trivia nights, concerts, Q&As, table reads, juicy behind-the-scenes gossip, your mom's retirement party: it'south all coming to your feed, raw and uncut, as brands and denizen broadcasters alike try to bring authentic, real-time interactions to your computer or phone screen.

And for the virtually office, it'south working. With the opportunity for viewers to ask questions, join the chat, react and comment, Facebook Live videos receive six times more engagement than standard videos.

All of which is to say: Alive broadcasts are part of a well rounded concern Facebook marketing campaign, and an ideal way to increase social media appointment.

Want to go Alive and thrive? Here's everything you need to know.

Facebook Live Broadcast

Source: Facebook

Bonus: Download a complimentary guide that teaches y'all how to plough Facebook traffic into sales in four unproblematic steps using Hootsuite.

How to get live on Facebook

You can become Live on Facebook from your computer or from your telephone. It'due south like a tiny television studio is with you lot everywhere you go — what a world!

When you broadcast a Facebook Live video, information technology will announced on your Page, grouping or outcome, and may besides show upward in the News Feed or on Facebook Scout.

When the broadcast is over, you can edit and share a recording of the Live video on your page. What a treat for future generations to savour over and over again.

Here'south the step-by-stride for your next lights-camera-action moment.

How to go alive on Facebook from your phone

There are ii ways to go Live on Facebook using your mobile device.

Using the Facebook app:

ane. Become to the Folio, Group, event or personal profile that you would like to stream your video from.

ii. Tap Live, located at the bottom of your post composer.

3. Write a clarification. (This is where you lot can tag friends, collaborators, or your location.)

Go live on Facebook using mobile

4. Tap Starting time Live Video to begin the live broadcast.

5. When yous're done, tap Finish to end the livestream.

Using the Creator Studio app:

  1. On the Home or Posts tab, click the compose icon on the meridian correct corner.
  2. Select the option for Alive mail service.
  3. Write a description. (This is where you tin tag friends, collaborators, or your location.)
  4. Tap Start Alive Video to brainstorm the live broadcast.
  5. When you're done, tap Finish to end the livestream.

How to get live on Facebook from your estimator

You can create Alive video content using your figurer'southward built-in webcam and microphone, but you as well have the option to connect higher-cease product equipment if yous'd like. I'm looking at you, Scorsese!

To have your livestream to the side by side level with graphics, screen-sharing and more than, you can likewise incorporate streaming software similar Streamlabs OBS. (For more information about connecting streaming software, click here.)

Whichever tools y'all use to go Live on Facebook from your computer, y'all'll first exist directed to the Alive Producer tool.

Using your built-in webcam

1. At the top of your newsfeed, below the "what'due south on your heed?" status field, click on the Live Video icon.
Live Video icon

two. Y'all'll be taken to the Live Producer tool, and prompted to cull your video source. Select Utilize Camera.

3. On the left side of the screen, write a description and add together an optional title for your live video. Here, you lot can tag people or places, or choose to raise money with a "Donate" push button.

Live Producer tool

4. When yous're ready, click the Go Live button on the lesser left of the screen.

Detect more details about how to utilise Alive Producer here. Facebook besides has advanced tips for planning a larger virtual evidence or event here, if you're ready for the large time.

Using a streaming software

Some streaming software, besides known as "an encoder" or "encoding software," can be used in Alive Producer. Other software that is integrated with Facebook's Live API allow you to get live directly from that programme.

Because of those variations, information technology's best to look to the software itself for info on setting upwardly a successful Facebook stream.

The best choice for you depends on the kind of content you'd similar to stream… but many are free and open-source. Acquire more than about encoding software options and going live with streaming software.

How to go Live on Facebook from Messenger Rooms

Want to share your scintillating Messenger Room conversation with the world? You can broadcast your multi-person video conversation live!

(Note that only the creator of the Room can choose to go alive. Besides, Messenger Rooms broadcasts simply work using the Google Chrome browser.)

Messenger Rooms
Source: Facebook

  1. In one case your Messenger Room is upward and running, click Live in the upper righthand corner.
  2. Requite your alive video a championship if you lot'd like.
  3. Choose where you'd like your Alive video to be broadcast: on a Page yous director, in a Grouping, or on your own personal timeline.
  4. Select your audience.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Participants are and so given the selection to confirm or leave the room. The room creator can also remove participants who do non reply.
  7. Click Outset to go Live!
  8. When the fun is over, click Live in the upper right corner again, and so click End.

15 tips for using Facebook Live

Now that y'all're a lean, hateful, streaming machine, it'south time to level upward. Become the virtually out of your streaming experience with these tips and best practices.

Plan ahead

Just because it's live, doesn't mean information technology has to be sloppy! A little improvisation adds a flair of actuality, but a rambling, countless video isn't anyone'southward idea of a good time.

Make sure you have a purpose — something yous'd like to accomplish, a message y'all'd similar to go out — before you hit that Alive button. Think of it like an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm. They may not have discussion-for-give-and-take scripts, but they've got an outline of the plot to piece of work towards.

Creating a road map of the beats and talking points you want to make sure to hit will ensure your conversation is moving forward in a purposeful management.

Be authentic

The unpolished, annihilation-could-happen nature of Live videos is part of their charm. Embrace this built-in intimacy and actuality. If something goes wrong, express mirth it off. If you're getting emotional, lean into it.

By sharing an unfiltered, uncensored view into your life or business, you lot're generating tons of viewer trust and admiration. Don't be agape to become real! (Equally long as it'southward within Facebook's lawmaking of conduct, of form.)

Team up with guests

Some of the nigh engaging Live content involves co-broadcasting: two or more than people, chatting live.

Interview an expert, perform with another musician, host a Q&A or panel or take a tour — all in a split-screen broadcast. You lot're a talk testify host, and no one tin can stop y'all! No ane!

Select a invitee to go Live with during a mobile live broadcast from your page or profile.

For bigger groups (up to 50 participants!), you can broadcast to Facebook live from Messenger Rooms.

You could as well use select streaming software on the computer (see above) to co-broadcast. Video conferencing software partners similar Zoom and Bluejeans are one more mode to broadcast live with multiple people. Go the whole gang involved.

Team up with guests on Facebook Live
Source: Facebook

Build anticipation

Nothing stings more going Alive to an audience of… no ane.

Get some hype going for your adjacent livestream with teaser posts. (Detect tips for writing an effective telephone call to action here.)

Facebook also offers the pick to subscribe for Live Notifications, ensuring your audience doesn't miss a moment.

You may also cull to schedule your broadcast upwardly to one week in advance.

Schedule Live video event

  1. Click "What'south on your mind?" at the top of the newsfeed.
  2. Click Live Video.
  3. Click Schedule a Live Video on the elevation left.
  4. Choose your engagement and time.
  5. Select where you'd like to broadcast the video.
  6. Select an Image to add a photograph if you'd like.
  7. Click Schedule Alive video on the lesser left.

When yous schedule a alive broadcast, an announcement post is created and published to your folio: people who see this tin click "Get Reminder" for a one-time notification shortly before the stream starts up.

Later, a postal service containing your live stream is automatically published at the scheduled time. Action time!

Learn more about settings for scheduling live video over on Facebook's Business Aid Eye.

Test your broadcast privately outset

Get a private sneak peek of your broadcast to make sure everything looks and sounds good past changing the privacy settings.

Switch to "Just Me" to view your Alive video stream without any prying eyes, before you become live to the whole world.

Test out broadcast by switching to "Only Me"

Invest in quality

Audiences are pretty forgiving about video and audio quality for live videos.

Simply if y'all've got the resources to invest in some external microphones, a tripod or even a band calorie-free, they can certainly upwardly the glam gene.

We've got a full split post near social media video specs here and how to maximize your quality right here.

Tag your collaborators

Live stream descriptions offer the ability to tag people, Pages or places. Employ the opportunity to shout-out your collaborators or place your location or business.

Non only volition that help the viewers sympathise what the heck they're watching, only tags volition help the content appear in other feeds, reaching an audience outside your ain.

Continue offering context

Your superfans may be watching eagerly right from the beginning of your stream, but others will be popping in and out. Then make sure you're helping requite viewers context, no matter when they might exist joining yous.

Insert short and snappy recaps throughout your broadcast to quickly explain the who, what, where, or why. For instance, at regular intervals throughout an interview with Austin'due south most prolific dog barber, I might say, "If you lot're just joining united states of america, I'm speaking with Austin'south most prolific dog hairdresser."

Branded backdrops or on-screen text tin help analyze what's happening, also. You can also pin a comment that offers some context, or prompts appointment.

Take your sweet fourth dimension

The longer you broadcast, the more people you lot'll reach… and then keep that stream a-runnin'.

Facebook actually prioritizes longer videos with its algorithm (videos that are three minutes or longer), and then don't be afraid to take your time. You tin can even stay live for up to eight hours if you're using streaming software.

Actively engage your viewers

What makes Live videos so special is that they're non a 1-style street. Broadcasters can actively interact with their viewers in real-fourth dimension.

Say hello to commenters as they melody in to your broadcast, and answer to comments and questions as they come up. You can too pivot top-notch comments to the meridian of the chat.

(If you've got a troll in the mix, never fright: Y'all can cake viewers during a alive broadcast. Merely tap their contour moving-picture show, then click Block.)

It can be tough to rest customs appointment as you're broadcasting, and then don't be shy near asking for help. With a 2d person moderating the chat or filtering for nifty questions and comments to share, you lot tin can focus on being the host with the about.

Create your own highlight real

When the stream is over, the fun doesn't accept to end. Trim any unnecessary footage, or create shorter clips, and share the terminal production on Facebook.

  1. To trim a previously alive video, become to Creator Studio and then the Content Library.
  2. Click the Posts tab.
  3. Check the box side by side to the formerly live video y'all desire to edit.
  4. Select Edit Mail service.
  5. Select Trimming or Video Clipping and tweak equally necessary.
  6. Select Save when washed. You'll detect the finished production under the Clips tab.

Produce regularly scheduled programming

Facebook loves consistency. In fact, the algorithm takes into account how frequently viewers come back to sentry your content.

Broadcast on a regular schedule to keep your audience coming back for more than.

This doesn't mean you can't mix things up, of course. Experiment with formats, durations, and dissimilar styles of broadcasts to meet what viewers similar best. Make your own Facebook page Must-See TV.

Host a paid online consequence

In a move to help small businesses and event producers whose live offerings accept been hit hard by the pandemic, Facebook launched a paid online result option for select partners this yr.

This pick allows creators to limit content distribution to ticket holders or registered users.

  1. Create a paid online event by going to the Events tab and clicking Create and so Online.
  2. Fill in details such equally consequence name, date and time.
  3. Choose Private, Public or Group privacy settings and click done.
  4. Toggle to Online Upshot and select the event format y'all prefer: Messenger Rooms or Facebook Live.
  5. Cull Admission, and select Enable Paid Access to choose your toll from the drib-down card.

Yous tin can acquire more about Online Events here.

Host paid online event

Source: OfficialMinks

Add captions

85% of Facebook video is watched without sound, so make sure your message is coming through loud and articulate, even without sound, past calculation captions.

This also is an important accessibility tool for those viewers with hearing harm. Swell content should be for everybody, after all.

Go more tips for creating inclusive content on social media here.

Cross-promote your Live content on other social media

Just because you're going Live on Facebook doesn't hateful your Twitter audience should be left out.

Whether you've got one special upcoming Live event, or a regular series, spread the word beyond all your platforms that this is the place to exist.

Facebook Alive video ideas

Nosotros've got a smorgasbord of great video production ideas over here, but to get you warmed up for Content Creation Mania, here are a few options for your next Facebook Live video.

Tap into trending topics

Apply Alive videos to help you get in on topical conversations.

Whether a major current event, viral challenge or a national holiday, hop on lath whatever time-sensitive bandwagon that inspires you.

Facebook user Minks, for example, got into the vacation spirit with a live-streamed gingerbread competition. The mix of fierce competition with her partner and festive vibes got the annotate department going.

OfficialMinks live-streamed gingerbread competition

Source: OfficialMinks

Q&As and interviews

The co-broadcast functionality of Facebook Live makes information technology the ideal format for grilling someone live on the air.

The best function: You can even have questions from the viewers, like information technology'due south some amazing interactive version of sixty Minutes and you're Barbara Walters… but fifty-fifty hotter!

Tell Me Infant, for example, did a live Q&A with conscious parenting coach Anna Davis, and the comments were chock full of toddler woes.

Tell Me Baby Live Q&A

Source: Tell Me Baby

Breaking news

When the people gotta know, they gotta know! You don't demand to look for a defended broadcast time to loop in your viewers virtually breaking news. Just striking the "Live" button and point that camera in the direction of the drama.

During the estrus of Covid, with then much changing hour-by-hour, news organizations made great use of this feature to share important new data with the community.

Here, Sky News Australia shared a live stream of Victoria Premier Daniel Andrews providing a pandemic update to citizens.

Victoria Premier Daniel Andrews shares breaking news about the pandemic
Source: Heaven News Australia

Live events and performances

If you can't be there in person, watching a performance or contest unfold via Alive is pretty much the next all-time affair.

The American Cornhole League knows this first hand.

For those who weren't lucky enough to encounter the thrills of the beanbag toss firsthand at the ACL Open Singles Partitioning, at that place was a live feed available on Facebook.

Y'all'll pay for the whole seat merely you lot'll only need the border!

The American Cornhole League live event Source: American Cornhole League

This goes for conferences, panels, lectures, workshops or concerts, likewise. If a camera tin can capture it — like the Weeklings Holiday Concert — get it up on Live for all to run into.

Weeklings Holiday Live Concert stream
Source: The Weeklings

Backside the scenes

Provide an intimate, insider look backside the scenes of your business or product with a Live bout.

This tour of the Jutta Shelter dog sanctuary gives the states a whole new perspective on the beast shelter.

Is the camerawork a little shaky? Aye. Merely are those dogs ambrosial and all being adopted by me immediately? Aye.

Jutta Shelter dog sanctuary behind-the-scenes animal footage

Source: Jutta Shelter

Product demos or tutorials

Show off all the features of your products and share tips and questions over live, much like Mary Kay consultant Sam Lanuzo did on her ain stream.

Mary Kay Live product demo
Source: Sam Lanuzo Mary Kay

Product launches

This is breaking news of some other kind: hot new products, fix to drib.

If you've got company news to share, why not make an effect of it, drumming upwardly excitement for a big, you-don't-wanna-miss-this moment.

This flip-flop visitor appear huge news on a live stream to really build some buzz: new tie-dye sandals. I know, I know. Basically as well hot for TV!

Bonus: Download a free guide that teaches y'all how to turn Facebook traffic into sales in four simple steps using Hootsuite.

Get the complimentary guide right at present!

Bella Jade Boutique live product launch
Source: Bella Jade

Regularly scheduled alive testify

In the spirit of Wayne's Globe, turn the internet into your very own public access cable network and produce a regularly scheduled Live evidence of your ain.

If information technology'south skilful plenty for Jada, Adrienne and Willow on Red Table Talk Live, information technology'south good enough for you!

Red Table Table Live
Source: Red Table Talk

Collaborate with an influencer

Team up with a known proper name to help heave your own profile… much like the charity Feeding America did with a pop, Telephone call of Duty-playing grandma.
Feeding America Call of Duty collaboration
Source: Tactical Gramma

Other Facebook Live questions

You lot've got burning Facebook Alive questions, and I've got answers. Should I probably be answering these in a Facebook Live video? Likewise late at present!

How does the Facebook algorithm treat Facebook live video?

The newsfeed prefers quality, original videos, co-ordinate to a May 2019 update.

Videos longer than three minutes, that aren't repurposed from elsewhere, that people search for and return to, will rank higher than other content.

For more on mastering the Facebook algorithm, click here.

Where exercise Facebook Live videos appear?

Live videos will appear on your Page, Group, Event or personal profile, equally selected when you lot offset broadcasting.

In one case the video is over, the video will continue to live on your page or profile. You tin edit this content in Creator Studio (run across above).

How long tin Facebook Live videos be?

If you're broadcasting from your computer — either from your webcam or a streaming software — the fourth dimension limit is eight hours.

For broadcasting from mobile, the limit is 4 hours.

How to connect Zoom to Facebook Live

First, enable Facebook Live streaming for webinars.

  1. Login as the owner or administrator on the Zoom website.
  2. Click Account Management.
  3. Click Webinar Settings.
  4. Click Edit.
  5. Enable "Permit host to live stream to webinars," then enable "Facebook."

Broadcast your Zoom meeting with the following steps:

  1. Start your webinar.
  2. In the meeting controls, click More.
  3. Click Live on Facebook. (Yous'll exist prompted to sign in if you aren't already.)
  4. Choose the location on Facebook yous'd similar your video to be circulate.
  5. Click Side by side.
  6. Click Go Alive.
  7. Await for the Zoom notification that your steam is live, and brainstorm the show!
  8. To terminate the webinar, click End Streaming in Zoom, or end the meeting.

For more than details or troubleshooting, visit the Zoom website.

How to screen share on Facebook Live

In guild to share your screen with viewers during a Live broadcast, y'all need to go Live using your photographic camera.

  1. Go to Live Producer.
  2. Choose Use Camera.
  3. Become to the Setup menu and cull Offset Screen Share.
  4. Select the content y'all'd like to share.
  5. Click Share.
  6. Click Go Live.
  7. To stop sharing your screen, click Stop Sharing Screen.

How to save Facebook Alive videos

After your live broadcast, you'll be shown a screen that enables you to post it to your folio. Here, you lot can tap the download button to save the video to your camera ringlet.

Congratulations! If Facebook were like SNL (Recall my reference from earlier? Right off the acme? We all loved it?) yous would absolutely be promoted to the principal bandage, now that you're an expert of all things Live.

Desire to get fifty-fifty further with your livestream mastery? Head on over to our Instagram Live how-to guide next.

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